DJ Spooky Header
Civic Hall

The Future of Sound+Science

6:00 PM–9:00 PM

@ Civic Hall, NY

Friends - Happy Summer!

I hope you've been well. Over the last couple of weeks I've slowly started being more active, and I'd like to check out a really special event I have coming up.

My friend Dr. Stephon Alexander has started Sound+Science, an institute I've been heavily involved in that focuses on the intersection of physics and music. I'm the Creative Director. We are having a salon at a new building on 14th Street and Union Square called Civic Hall on June 13th. We've decided to have a wine tasting salon in tandem with the event in collaboration with City Winery, the legendary venue founded by Michael Dorf, the impressario who started the equally legendary venue The Knitting Factory.

The evening will be a free wheeling discussion with scientists and artists who are fully engaged with topics ranging from quantum physics on over to contemporary digital music composition with AI - all tied together with wine from the vineyards recommended by City Winery. It will be a pretty cool event. I hope you can join us.
The event is FREE!!! But you have to RSVP

Please join Sound+Science for our first Salon: The Future of Sound+Science for engaging conversation at the intersection of Science and Music, live musical performances from Grammy Winning artists and a special demonstration from Sound+Science's Young Investigators, the NYC Public High School students that just completed our first cohort.
S+S Salon: Distinguished Panelists
Dr. Amanda Lind, Acoustician
Melvin Gibbs, Grammy Award Winning Musician
Dr. Matt Strassler, Theoretical Physicist
Dr. Robert Rowe, Professor of Music Technology, NYU
Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky

Moderated by Dr. Stephon Alexander

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Please RSVP via the link below:



Many of my friends are doing great projects. I'd like to recommend some.

Hell: In search of a Christian Ecology.
by Timothy Morton

My friend Timothy Morton has a new book out called Hell: In search of a Christian Ecology. I hosted the book launch a while ago. Tim's most famous book is called HyperObjects. It's about the intersection of philosophy and the climate crisis. He's worked with people like Bjork, Laurie Anderson, and Pharrell. You can grab a copy of the new book with Columbia University Press HERE.

DJ Spooky Dialog with Timothy Morton - Book Launch!

and there's also the Podcast we did to launch the book and discuss how creatives can raise awareness about critical thinking, philosophy, and the reactionary ways Right Wing politics shuts down engaging with hyper complex issues like the global climate crisis.

How to Train a Happy Mind
Book Talk with Paul Miller (DJ Spooky) and Scott Snibbe

Another friend, Scott Snibbe, and I did a launch of his new book at the legendary Rubin Museum (which is sadly slated to close this Autumn). He wrote the book How to Train a Happy Mind about how to use meditation to achieve something inredibly difficult in our modern data driven world - how to achieve happiness! The book was written with the Dalai Lama doing the introduction, and the other launch events were with Laurie Anderson. It's a great book! Check it out!

Peace Symphony
& Far Futures Horizon 2045

Last but not least, many of you know I am heavily involved with different aspects of the climate activist world. This is an intriguing online project that asks: What future becomes possible when nuclear weapons have been removed from the human story?

Far Futures Horizon 2045 is in collaboration with the Center for Science and The Imagination, and invites science fiction authors, visual artists, musicians and other creatives to explore a future where we successfully manage our way through a combination of natural and anthropogenic events - a world where nuclear weapons have been banned. It's pretty cool. It's based on my project Peace Symphony where I worked with some of the last survivors of the American bombings of Hirsoshima and Nagasaki. The project works with many interesting and influential thinkers - from Sheree Renee Thomas, an old friend who helped start AfroFuturism, on over to new science fiction from young Science Fiction rockstar Malka Older, whose new books about the future of democracy and data are must reads!

I hope to see you on June 13th for the launch of the Sound+Science salon series!
If not, then June 17th at the theater premiere!
There's a lot more going on, but I want to keep this brief.

Happy Summer and hope to see you at one of the events!
~ Paul

Check out the DJ Spooky merch store!

We'll be adding new designs often.
Is there a DJ Spooky design you'd like to see, let us know!


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