DJ Spooky and Greg Niemeyer present a data visualization and a synched sonification addressing the constant expansion of the universe at ZKM_PanoramLab.
Machines allow humans to see past the thresholds of perception into the subliminal, which is too small, and into the supraliminal, which is too vast to see. The constant expansion of the universe is a supraliminal perception: While we can prove that it is happening, we can’t see it or feel it. DJ Spooky (New York) and Greg Niemeyer (California) present a portrait of this expansion, and illustrate how Turing patterns may govern the distribution of galaxies in the universe just as they govern the patterns of fingerprints and zebra stripes. This work has its world premiere at ZKM. Both a data visualization and a synched sonification, supraliminal feels for the beat that fingerprints share with galaxies.
Van Allen Project

First US Satellite launch. 1958